The saying goes that some Day out of nothing, they just appeared. They were called many names over the Years but we just refer to them Anomalies. Strange, barely visible energy phenomena. Millions of them with fixed, seemingly irregular locations that showed up all over the globe. Some speculated it was the Matterhorn Experiment gone wrong. But time had occluded our sight into the past and no one seems to know the cause for certain.
As calm and soothing they are to look at. The slow moving slightly glowing swirls of ionized air, producing a shimmering effect. The deathly they are on their surroundings. Every of those anomalies will drain all life out of any organic thing within a certain radius, the Extinction Zone. Shortly after the Occurrence the world slowly plummeted into chaos as almost all infrastructure came to a standstill. The Anomalies persisted. All efforts to undo or even move them failed. Years passed and the world part for part went into darkness. In a last effort, leading scientist of all nations came together trying to find a solution. Another decade past and all hope seemed lost as most of the last holdouts of humanity had gone dark.
That was when finally a breakthrough was made and Waterwood and his team presented the Waterwood-Orb. A device to contain the deathly field around the Anomalies. Its technology so advanced that at the time only a handful of people really could comprehend. As every device needed vast amounts of energy, the people still alive went to The Source and began building cities around it, feeding the orbs with the energy needed.
As calm and soothing they are to look at. The slow moving slightly glowing swirls of ionized air, producing a shimmering effect. The deathly they are on their surroundings. Every of those anomalies will drain all life out of any organic thing within a certain radius, the Extinction Zone. Shortly after the Occurrence the world slowly plummeted into chaos as almost all infrastructure came to a standstill. The Anomalies persisted. All efforts to undo or even move them failed. Years passed and the world part for part went into darkness. In a last effort, leading scientist of all nations came together trying to find a solution. Another decade past and all hope seemed lost as most of the last holdouts of humanity had gone dark.
That was when finally a breakthrough was made and Waterwood and his team presented the Waterwood-Orb. A device to contain the deathly field around the Anomalies. Its technology so advanced that at the time only a handful of people really could comprehend. As every device needed vast amounts of energy, the people still alive went to The Source and began building cities around it, feeding the orbs with the energy needed.
About 200 more Years passed since that time and as people concentrated on survival knowledge faded more and more. We only barely know how to maintain those orbs to keep surviving now as knowledge of the old time is largely lost.
If we only knew what caused it and how we can revert it...

I made this project a couple of Years back to present some of my texturing / shading workflows at UsByNight 2019. A rerecording of what I showed there can be found HERE.
Then Manuel from Aixterrior approached me and asked if I wanted to make something cool with their assets. So I of course said yes.
I recently noticed that I never posted the project here. So here it is, in all its glory.
Modeled in Cinema 4D
Then Manuel from Aixterrior approached me and asked if I wanted to make something cool with their assets. So I of course said yes.
I recently noticed that I never posted the project here. So here it is, in all its glory.
Modeled in Cinema 4D
Rendered in Octane







For more visit SILVERWING-VFX
For more visit SILVERWING-VFX