Since I really like the Cinema 4D Parametric objects, every now and then I find my self modeling interesting technical shapes out of them. In this case it was a Dodecahedron. In the last couple of years I created a couple of pyramids as well as the 2015 ARTIFACT which also was a Dodecahedron.
For this object I was testing the new Octane 3.08 metal shaders. Especially the shader based anisotropy, which turned out really nice.
The energy effect inside the object is made with X-Particles rendered with motion blur.
For this object I was testing the new Octane 3.08 metal shaders. Especially the shader based anisotropy, which turned out really nice.
The energy effect inside the object is made with X-Particles rendered with motion blur.
Tech Specs:
Generated in C4D mostly with SDS (subdivision surface) modeling.
Textured shaded lit and rendered in Octane 3.08 C4D.
Rendered in 4K 4096 X 2160 px.
Rendered on 5 GTX 1080Ti, 3 GTX 980Ti
Render times were around 12 min / Frame, Ray depth of 16, HDRI, 16348 Samples with Adaptive Sampling.
For the animation the render time was around 1:30 to 2:30 min, depended on the shot.
The animation was rendered in FullHD 1920 X 1080 px.
Generated in C4D mostly with SDS (subdivision surface) modeling.
Textured shaded lit and rendered in Octane 3.08 C4D.
Rendered in 4K 4096 X 2160 px.
Rendered on 5 GTX 1080Ti, 3 GTX 980Ti
Render times were around 12 min / Frame, Ray depth of 16, HDRI, 16348 Samples with Adaptive Sampling.
For the animation the render time was around 1:30 to 2:30 min, depended on the shot.
The animation was rendered in FullHD 1920 X 1080 px.


RENDER 03 - Additional Cables

RENDER 04 - Close Up I

RENDER 05 - Close Up II

RENDER 05 - Close Up III

RENDER 05 - Close Up III - Disconnected Plug & Protection Add-On



For more work visit SILVERWING-VFX